Mist in Time

By Pam C. Golden

Mist in Time

‘A sudden scream tears through the sounds of the forest. I freeze. Is it human? Is it animal? I have two choices; do I stay and do nothing, or do I investigate? It takes less than a second for me to decide.’

Resuming her time travels, Jenni discovers she is at the dawn of a new era in the Stone Age. Life has changed since her last visit but new and exciting skills, friendships and challenges reveal themselves. Can she use them to solve the problems she has left in the future? And can she reconnect with Druantia, her beloved mentor from the past?

The second in the magical ‘Tree Spirits in Time’ series. A unique tale of human understanding is woven into the mysteries of ancient history, nature spirits and love of the Earth.

‘A thrilling time-travelling adventure’  The Wishing Shelf Awards


Stone Age educational resources available here


Paperback copies available to purchase from:

The Book Corner, The Piece Hall,  Halifax https://bookcornerhalifax.com/

The Book Dragon, Stockton on Tees  https://www.thebookdragon.co.uk/

Lyall’s Bookshop, Rochdale Road, Todmorden  https://www.lyallsbookshop.co.uk/

Spirals, Market Street, Hebden Bridge https://www.spiralshebden.co.uk/

Paper People Books: 2A High St, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate HG3 5AW

Wave of Nostalgia: 74 Main Street, Haworth BD22 8DP https://www.waveofnostalgia.co.uk/


Children's Reviews

“Jenni is the best character in the story. She wants to know stuff and I like that. I enjoyed following her on her time-travelling adventure.”

Girl, aged 12 (Wishing Shelf Awards)

“I thought it was fun to travel so far back in time. So this story was not only exciting, it was sort of educational too!”

Boy, aged 12 – with a little help from his teacher (Wishing Shelf Awards)

“I find present tense difficult, but I still liked this adventure story. It would be cool to go back to the Stone Age. I thought that was a clever part of the story. There´s a lot of nature in this story and that was interesting too. I though the start was sort of okay, but I loved it after chapter three.”

Girl, aged 11 – with a little help from her teacher (Wishing Shelf Awards)

“I thought this was an odd sort of story which is sort of an adventure, sort of historical and sort of about nature and trees and stuff. I liked the hero of the story, Jenni, and I liked the plot. There´s lots of talking and the descriptive parts are not too long. Good book.”

Boy, aged 10 – with a little help from his teacher (Wishing Shelf Awards)

Adult Reviews

A compelling, thought-provoking and heart-warming narrative for young adults which cleverly conveys important messages about love and respect, both between humans and their fellow kind and also between mankind and its relationship with nature. Mystical and educational. A golden story by a golden author. Highly recommended

Jane Clack (author and teacher)

A Mist In Time, sequel to A Tree In Time, is another delightful read. Pam takes us back to the Neolithic era when hunter gatherers are taking their first tentative steps towards settled farmer clans – a big leap of faith, as their values seem so different. The characters drawn by Pam are so real, with emotions we recognise, in social situations we recognise. Her account stirs our imaginations, again we become awake to the spiritual values of our ancestors and how they cherished Mother Earth. Pam’s writing flows so well, her choice of words is a delight, descriptive, thoughtful, and her conversations between all the many and varied characters are so apt, both colloquial and commanding. As with ‘A Tree In Time,’ I can see its sequel as the second film of a series, following Jenni’s adolescence, coming and going between her 21st century life and her amazing time travel back to the Neolithic, when values were undergoing so much change. Young people from maybe 10 years of age upwards, adults too, will enjoy this story – a book for our time….

Rachel Low (homeopath)

I love the way it is set in pre-history. It is something I always find fascinating but, pulling that knowledge together to construct a real community to actually live with for a while, makes for an excellent, absorbing story.

Hazel Bregazzi (editor of the Scallymag)

Mist in Time is a great example of its genre. For young teens searching for an enthralling read, it’s a book to transport you through time and history. An extraordinary, captivating adventure full of magic, friendship and what it truly means to be ‘green,’ in every sense of the word.

Linda Jones (author)

Great book! Second in the series, but can be read on its own too... A lovely way of understanding our human history, behaviour, emotions... So looking forward to more in this series and more about the characters who now feel like young friends of mine :) One day, I'll enjoy reading this to my grand-daughter...💖

Blanaid Rensch (teacher)

A strong sequel to Tree in Time, we pick back up with Jenni and follow her on her next adventure. This time, through her connection with nature, it’s the Neolithic era that Jenni finds herself lost in. Beginning a short while after Jenni’s Mesolithic adventure, readers will welcome the changes that have happened in her life as a result of meeting Druantia; what’s more, this book builds on the lessons Jenni learned in the first story and demonstrates how she has grown and progressed as a person, using her new knowledge to help her on her latest quest. The author was certainly very skilled at interweaving the plot lines from A Tree in Time into this story so that Jenni came across as a protagonist with complexities and depth. She is a likeable character and easy enough for young adults to relate to. I also liked getting to know Jonti and Ciara better although would have liked them to feature more in the book. Some aspects of the plot gave me reason to be a little skeptical, most notably how quickly Jenni was able to change Jonti’s mind about tree spirits but as this was only a small part of the plot, it wasn’t too unrealistic. The actual adventure was much like the first: an intriguing dive into what life may have once been like this time with a much stronger plot line. However, I did feel like the problem encountered by Jenni and her Neolithic friend, Faern, was never actually resolved. Aside from that, the book certainly captured my curiosity and kept me reading to the end. A perfect step ‘forward’ in time for Jenni as she travels back to the past once more. Reviewed on behalf of the author, The Book Dragon awards this 4 stars.

Josephine Park (Reviewer for The Book Dragon)

portrait of pam golden

About the author:

A happy childhood full of love and books led Pam Golden to study teaching. Once she had finished her education, she found her wings and flew. After many adventures around the world, she finally met her husband and they settled down in Yorkshire, where their son was born. Her philosophy is simple; that love, in the broadest meaning of the word, is the answer. She believes that everything in life happens for a reason. “Someone once asked me to think of the worst thing that happened to me in my life. I instantly thought of something and then paused. Actually, I responded, it was the very best thing that happened to me. It triggered a whole series of events that have led me to the point where I am today.” Pam has always had a vivid imagination and started writing her first children’s book when she was nine years old. She never finished it but has finally realised her dream in the completion of this first novel many years later.