Since my last blog so much has changed in the world and in our country.
My work in school, with the Credit Union and during my weekly shop has given me an understanding of the reality of this situation for many people. My online and phone connection with friends and family have shown more aspects. There are definitely two sides to all of this, reiterated by several different people.
On one side there is the very real fear that people are feeling; generated from uncertainty, the unknown aspects of the virus, the worries and concerns for their own and their loved one’s health, the threat to their livelihoods and concerns for the future, to name but a few. This is manifesting in stress levels being hyped up, people behaving irrationally and more arguments and tension between each other.
Then there is the other side, which is the enjoyment of this precious gift of time that many of us have been given. Time to be with our families, time to reflect, exercise and enjoy the lovely weather we’ve been having; time to listen to the birds which aren’t drowned by the noise of traffic. On my drive home from school on Wednesday, I noticed so many things. The roads of course were emptier- the motorway I drove over had no traffic on it-unbelievable a week ago! I passed lots of couples and families out walking in the park, on the country roads and on the moors, all keeping the required distance apart, all looking happy and relaxed with the normal stresses of everyday life lifted.
There is a fabulous video that my beautiful friend in Switzerland has sent me all about thanking the Coronavirus for coming to change our thinking, reminding us of what we have and valuing what we have taken for granted for so long. I wanted to post it here but it is too long, so I’ve posted it on my Author Facebook page. (posted 21st March) I would highly recommend looking at it, as it expresses exactly what I’ve been feeling but far better than I ever could. Bill Gates has apparently been thinking on the same lines, as has some person who was on Radio 4 just before the 6 o’clock news last night, but I only caught the end, so I’m not sure who it was!
In these times, the most important thing is to keep our spirits up in whatever we can. Some people are helping by posting uplifting or funny things on social media, some are doing it through kind acts towards others, showing love and caring, some are volunteering to help the NHS (an incredible half a million signed up in a day), some are involved in local kindness groups, some are self -isolating, some are continuing to work in front line services … the list goes on and on. Every person needs to be recognised for what they are doing-no matter how big or how small. People are doing what they can. Even the government is finally praising and appreciating our amazing NHS staff and workers.
So as with everything there are two sides and it is our choice which side we want to engage with. Even when we are in stressful situations we can remember to breathe (as long as we are 2m apart) and trust that it will all be okay.
This is a great leveller; it is an opportunity for people to show their true colours. It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you have or how famous you are, everyone is at risk. Now is the time for ordinary everyday people to shine. The time for celebrity worship is over; let’s make a new culture that values the true humans on this planet- the ones who show love, compassion and care, both for each other and our beautiful Mother Earth. This is the biggest reset button we will ever be given-let’s make the best choices we can.